Transitional Growth

Your Brother In Arms

If your organization experiences a transition or even a crisis stage, PATROKLOS offers its expertise in:

  • Establishing short term priorities.
  • Guiding you through difficult decision making processes.
  • Monitoring progress throughout the transition with essential Key Performance Indicators
  • Assuming direct and/or supportive management responsibilities.


It is essential that during these inevitable challenges in any organization, management keeps its “sang froid”, like the French language describes very well. Having moved several times and, in most of the cases, having solved local problems allowed us to assess swiftly a problematic situation and make the right decisions. While Alex managed the crisis and subsequent transition situation within the company, Ann was the ideal sidekick. A double opinion is a very helpful way to cope correctly and successfully with crisis situations.


Two illustrations:


In august 1999 headquarters called us (at 0800 AM) in Colombia to report a major fraud in the affiliate in Chile. We were relocated to Santiago de Chile on the same day, combining the management of two countries at 5 hours distance from each other. In Chile, the local organisation was in a status of disarray: employees who were or were not involved in the fraud, suppliers, clients and financial institutions who did not want to continue business with us and headquarters who preferred to close the affiliate.















The take-over of the management of the Belgian mid-size construction company (see entrepreneurial growth) was as adventurous. The shareholders ledger was signed on a Monday morning and on Tuesday we were in office without any transfer from the previous management. Needless to say that the first months were quite hectic with a 50% of personnel rotation at staff level, missing documents and failing operating processes. After 12 months the company is on track again.













  • Reestablished confidence with all stakeholders of the affiliate in 6 months.
  • Revamped the organization to a positive one which brought the company poised for growth again

Accomplishments: see page "entrepreneurial growth"

Modern time history of this country was marked by political polarization and a 16 year long military dictatorship, which ended in 1990. Since then Chile became South America's most stable and prosperous nation with a relatively stable economic growth of 3-5%. The number of households below the poverty line fell from 45,1% in 1987 to 11,5% in 2009. Chileans call their country "país de poetas" with Pablo Nerua as its best known representative.

Belgium is the country of surrealism: not only in Art with René Magritte (here with his "unfinished bridge of Heraclitus"); but also in the real world of road construction (unfinished bridge in Strépy-Bracquegnies)



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B-2000 Antwerpen, Belgium.

BTW: BE 0555 757 144, RPR Antwerpen



copyright © 2015 created by Alexander Deblond