Entrepreneurial Growth

Your Brother In Arms

You have a great business idea you want to turn into growth. PATROKLOS assists you in:

  • Designing and realizing a longer term growth strategy.
  • Creating and implementing lean and mean processes.
  • Managing the back office of your growing organization.


More than often academic and consulting professionals mention the so-called gap between entrepreneurial and corporate managing practices. In almost all business schools, the curriculum offers different courses for both subjects. Consultants tend to specialize in one or the other “service”. Patroklos Belgium does not adhere to this theory.


Although a young organization intuitivally tends to follow rather an entrepreneurial management modus and, once established, this entrepreneurship evolves into process based practices and strategy, Patroklos believes that, in reality, the key for success consists of a subtle blend of the two styles.


A more mature organization, often owned by institutional owners (PE, public ownership), needs to keep the pragmatic and sometimes intuitive management practices, typical for family or management owned organizations, alive. On the other hand, a young and fast growing entrepreneurial organisation has to allow for corporate process-oriented and longer term strategic planning management practices.


This is especially the case for organizations with divisions of a different size or with smaller representations in other countries. In those situations, the need for the above mentioned blend is big.


Some "real-life" examples:



Horizon 2020 is the biggest Research and Innovation programme of the European Union ever with nearly €80 ($89) billion of funding available over 7 years (2014 to 2020) – in addition to private investment that this money attracts. The objective is to realize breakthroughs, discoveries and world-firsts by taking ideas from lab to market. Certified coaches assist entrepreneurs in the design of strategies and business plans.


Alex applied for a EU certification as coach in January 2016, completed successfully in May 2016. He is now one of the 500 certified PME coaches in the EU28 of which 10 are from Belgium.








In Venezuela Alex managed the affiliate of a smaller division of the multinational group he was working for. Taking into account the reporting and controlling processes of the group, he led the local activities as an entrepreneur by monitoring cash flow on a daily basis and implementing “down to earth” key performance indicators (KPI’s) (daily invoicing, order book, activity reports of sales reps).













From mid 2014 to August 2015 Patroklos Belgium managed a local Belgian company in the area of road infrastructure (e.g. lighting, traffic control, utility cables, …). Over the last five years the firm was subsequently entrepreneurially managed when family owned and, later on, as a mere financial asset when owned by a private equity. Neither of the two cultures are an exclusive guarantee for future growth and the company was turning into a Belgian "grand traveau inutile". On one hand the current difficult economical conditions asked for an entrepreneurial approach; on the other hand, longer term value creation for the shareholders require professional processes and strategic business development.











In 2012 Alex and Ann started the project Patroklos Greece, together with a local business partner. The objective is to find foreign investors for local mid-size export oriented organizations. They are firm believers that crises, like the one Greek entrepreneurs are currently facing, can be turned into opportunities. In spite of what we read and hear on a macro-level, there are Greek creative and dynamic entrepreneurs at micro-level. When backed up by strategic and institutional financing, Greek entrepreneurship and creativity will turn into growing international organisations.















Patroklos Belgium is your best partner to assure long and short term value creating growth thanks to the right combination of entrepreneurial and corporate management. Whether Patroklos assists you with the design and implementation of "corporate-style" processes or pragmatical short term entrepreneurial insight, it will be focused on long term growth, based on lean and mean processes and monitored through basic KPI's.


Furthermore, the fee structure consisting of a competitive consulting fee and a longer term profit sharing agreement illustrates very well the approach of Patroklos Belgium: we are claiming our full reward, but only when our client grows!

Greece is more than the Acropolis and a dramatic financial situation. The ancient Cycladic civilization flourished from 3300 - 1100 BCE. These small contemporary art-like statues could be a source of inspiration for the New Greece and its entreprises: small, beautiful and stylish.


  • Prepared two applications for Belgian PME’s to obtain a European grant of respectively €1,4 ($1,6) million and €50 ($57) thousand.
  • Is coaching one company that developed a breakthrough technology in inspection of sewage infrastructure.

The Angel Falls are located in the Guayana highlands and is 15 times higher than Niagara Falls with its total of approximately 52 meters. This height makes it the highest waterfall in the world. Unfortunately this natural wonder is currenlty a symbol of the economy of the country: both are in free-fall.

Belgium is the country of surrealism: not only in Art with René Magritte (here with his "unfinished bridge of Heraclitus"); but also in the real world of road construction (unfinished bridge in Strépy-Bracquegnies)


  • Succesfull acquisition of the company in 5 months.
  • Rescheduling of payment terms of the financial debt.
  • Staffing of the back office in 3 months.
  • Raising the EBITDA margin from 1 to 3%, thanks to tight cost control.
  • Improvement of the solvability ratio from 1 to 10.


  • Analysis of 23 Greek companies as strategic targets for foreign investors.
  • Collaboration with 3 M&A consultants in Italy, Spain and Belgium.


  • Implementation of down to earth operational processes in 1 year.
  • Transfer of the local cash surplus by means of transfer pricing and dividends in spite of Venezuela's harsh foreign currency control.

In 1955 (!) the Council of Europe made the unanimous decision to adopt a circle of 12 gold stars on a blue background. The number of stars is not related to the number of member states. The number 12 is traditionally the symbol of perfection, completeness and unity.



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PATROKLOS BELGIUM BVBA, Verviersstraat 1 bus 2.1,

B-2000 Antwerpen, Belgium.

BTW: BE 0555 757 144, RPR Antwerpen



copyright © 2015 created by Alexander Deblond